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Murry mania

It is not andy murry britain's no 1 tennis player. I am refering to Al Murry, the pub landlord, is simply hilarious and wonderful to watch and listen to his comic stuff. I am indian and no where connected to britain expect for colonial period in early 19th century, during that time i was not even born. but i could get 90% of his jokes, few i went and re-listened to make sure i understood correctly. His concept of jokes is about Pubs and he prefers to be called pub landlord.

In pubs people talk about different topics and they have their own opinion for every topic in the news. And most of the opinions are funny and one cannot really argue with a drunk guy who is simply adamant on one thing and about his point of view.
Pub landlord is really patriotic in nature and loves britain so much that he hates all other countries and french being the top of the list. He likes the queens band and thinks all other bands are only second to queens. Every name which he hears becomes a beautiful british name. Pub landlord thinks britain has got best language, best national anthem, best music bands , best army and thinks all the best things comes out from britain. Apart from this he thinks even God is british because their are no earth quakes in britain. God will not have earth quakes where he lives !!!.
The lord thinks Itsy bitsy spider is also british and draws inspiration by listening to nursery rhyme Itsy bitsy spider which goes up the spout and always tries again and again to go to the up every time when it gets washed down by the rain.
Pub landlord thinks women can do only 2 jobs a) being secretary and b) being as nurse. All other jobs he categroies them either into nurse or secretary profile. He thinks women are not equal to men become they are much more polished and nice people than men. Sometime the land lord gets angry about the current british people because they are loosing their values and traditions. Once he embarassed a 16 year old lad for not lieing his age in public. He said he so terdior and out of touch of british tradition, he does't even know how to lie about his age in public. Ofcourse the land lord taught him the skill, so that he can have a glass of beer when he comes out on weekends.
The pub land lord belives that 2012 olympics will be disaster in london because of various complaints from differet organizations such a peta, human health , teachers, environmentalists etc. He puts this accross in really funny way.
One of his good joke is "Dropping of sausage"
I dropped me the sausgae joke was really hilarious one. In this joke, the pub lord drops the sausage and says he dropped me a sausage. To this other 3 guests react by saying. "Oh i see....." , "That's the big one" and "whoa........" in 3 rounds and finally the 4th guest picks the sausage by saying "don't worry, i will get your sausage" to his the lord plays a buggel to make a really nice background sound.
Few of his other good jokes are "American are dreamers" , "God exists" , "Dam the churchill" etc..


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