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India needs Revolution.

Have you ever renovated your house while staying in it. Believe me it is a mess. In early 90s, my father was did a small renovation of our house and we stayed in the house while extending a part of kitchen, bathroom and dining hall.
I was not comfortable during those 30 days of renovation. There was no privacy coz, workers were every where doing the job. The entire place was full of dust. The small tiny particles of sand and cement were there in all the places.
My mom used to clean the house all day long to keep it clean. Once the renovation completed, there was sense of relief and I particularly was happy because of no dust.
I am telling you this story because this exactly fits the current Indian system. Be it the Nair Radia tapes, Telecom Scandal, common wealth scandal,political parties, etc.
By seeing India from a distance, as i am currently outside India, i feel India is still in process of renovation, there is corruption every where. Everybody know all political parties and bureaucrats are corrupt,
Judicial system is corrupt(verdicts are getting fixed), Big media and Business houses are corrupt, NGOs are corrupt, Sport(i should say cricket) is corrupt. I am not sure what is clean in India.

From outside everything looks corrupt, and it is bound to happen when one system is corrupt. A person moving from political system into business house will make business house corrupt. In today's world we notice political parties are running different things such as television networks, newspapers, NGOs , Sport bodies. So therefore everything is going to get corrupt. Or i should everything has got corrupt. when i Contract this with renovating the house the Dust has entered every room of the house. I get two questions one why did we all end up with such an system? and how can we clean this mess?

I personally feel we have ended up with such as system because of Indian population. India is so hugely populated every body has to fight for there part of share to lead a life. Before India opening up the market(ie. from 1947 to 1991) the life
in India was so different, there was scarcity of every available resources. People had to fight for that and as per the Darwinian theory the "Survival of the fittest" held people's every walks of life.
To give an example one of my friend's friend passed out as dental doctor and to get a government job he paid one corrupt politician and got a post a dental doctor in a remote village. When he went to that village there were no patients coming for the hospital with dental problems and he was sitting ideal for months together. One fine day there was a auditing people who came to see the hospital details and they found that this doctor is not seeing any patients. The Auditing officials taught that the doctor was not coming to hospital so he is not seeing the patients. They warned the doctor not to do this and took a bribe so that they would report differently to the auditing office and went away. The poor doctor now had to either go out in street and get some patients and treat them or cook the records with fake names. If he does't do either of them he will be removed from the job. As i have seen every where, people push the envelope when it comes to job security. so this doctor started to cook the records. once you say one lie to cove the that lie you have to tell another. which exactly happed to this doctor. he started to remove the medicines from the hospital to prove that he is treating so many patients.
what would one do with so much of medicines, he sold the same to pharmacy. Once the doctor gets involved in this kind of activity the support staff, nurses and others too get involved and finally the system emerges which would to strong, nobody can break this kind of corruption.

If you extrapolate the same to the all the departments and country as whole, i feel it will be very hard to imagine the levels of corruption which exists in India. And i would like to again emphasis the point of population which is making the people go away from morals , principles and ethics because of job security and when so many people as just behind somebody or other waiting for your job.

Talking about the second question which is how can we clean this mess?. I know it is an uphill task, which require some very brave and principled people who can sacrifice for the county like Mahatma Gandhi , Tilak , Tagore, Subhas Chandra Bose , Baghat Singh etc. I am positive that this is going to happen very soon because more and more people are getting awareness of the corrupt system. And i feel tolerance level of the common man would reach the peek and that would trigger a revolution among the people to clean the system. When ever there is injustice and unfairness every where civil revolution is bound to happen. I think it is India's turn now when you compare the civil revolution of European countries and history.

Hum honge kamyab ek din....


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