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Evidence indicates that modern humans originated in East Africa about 200,000 years ago. After first man and women,In initial days man, women and children lived together.Women due to their physical capabilities naturally were over-powered by man and they continued to stay with man because of no other alternatives.

we can conclude from this,the first difference, which human could realize was sex.

They learned that man is more powerful when compared to women and it was a good's gift. women could not do anything because she did not have any other alternatives. She continued to stay along with the man under dormant status.
Later on,centuries passed and ethnic groups were formed and they stayed together sharing knowledge, food, work and hardships.Due to environmental conditions like availability of water, food , preys and also because of growing population they formed different ethic groups.This eventually led to differences and people fought for water, food , authority, command. Eventually dominant ethic group started to flourish,others groups perished or got merged.

The next generation of dormant ethnic groups started to escape to totally new place in Africa. This way ethnic group started to live in different parts of east,west and central Africa.Their could be whole lot of other reasons also like epidemic disease which could have made the ethic groups to simply kill or amputate the diseased part of the one or many individuals. It was a bloody world where humans could have attacked other humans or animals could have killed and eaten if you are not able to defend yourself.

From this we can conclude that second set of differences, which is strength,power & command. Any human being when it comes to survival would naturally differentiate others humans.

Few of tribal people who were not allowed to stay in any part of Africa because of various reasons like decision of the kings in ethnic groups, or for a crime which was committed by individual or group, Or it can be a new successor of tribal group sending a current king on exile. All these people, who some how managed to escape from the Africa landed in Middle East, Asia and Europe. As we all know the availability of natural resources in Middle East and Europe was relatively less compared to Asia.Most of the people then would have preferred Asia as their destination. But few unknowingly entered Europe and continued to stay their and made a living with limited available resources.

This way people of Africa started to migrate to different part of worlds like Middle east, Europe and Asia and more ethnic groups were created within the those specific regions resulting in lots of conflicts and hardships.People moving to new place has long term environmental impact on them. Their skin color got changed, making them to turn from black to brown in Asia and from black to white in Europe. Any person would't turn from black to white, it takes generations, climatic effects are more effective on new born and on children. when humans could see different skin color in themselves, they got the 3rd differentiator, the SKIN COLOR.

Armed with there differentiator, humans were eager to venture into more differentiators which eventually created lots of problems later on.

Fourth differentiator came, when people started to communicate with each other. once people started to stay in differentiate places their body, life style, food habits , survival instincts changed. People started to talk with different dialect, languages and different words were created. This language as differentiator lead into separation of people even though looked exactly same.

After thousands of years, Fifth differentiators came into existence when people started the living with different life style. People adopted different life style because of climate conditions. for example people in middle east would ware a turban in hot weather, where as western man wore tight clothes to make himself warm due to cold weather. Life style being the catalyst lead to different ways of thinking and Human brain by nature thinks differently from one individual to other. This thought process led to imagination of God in different ways, every individual had his own interpretation of GOD.

Different interpretation of god lead to creation of small groups of certain god believers and eventually became Religion. And finally we have hundreds of religion today. So I say the fifth differentiator is the thought process of certain individual. Adamant, stronger, consistent, focused and convincing your are, you would become more dominant and others will be over powered by this.
Apart from above differentiators, there are other differentiators like food( veg/non-veg) , castes(again castes are made based upon work which you do) , Class (which is based upon how much money you own & life style) and many more.

From the beginning , human are not able to get rid of any of the differentiators. Instead they are used by many individuals, Groups, employers, employee, lawyers, doctors, businessman, societies, states, countries, invaders, politicians and lots of other people. we find there is era of each differentiator making waves in entire world at different times. In early days it was religion, later it was color then languages and again religion it goes on.

In 21st Century, the main differentiator is the Religion. People simply are not able to digest other person's thought process and life style.

Solution for above differentiators can be only be time and scientific advancement.

If one could change his skin color through laser treatment, then we can get rid of that differentiator or air conditioned environment would lead our future generations to have more or less same color.Finding the truth of universe and it's evolution, alien existence, discovering earth like planets and exploring the universe would give us altogether a different and same picture of god for every one. Empowering all women with advance scientific knowledge and protection and medical advancement of changing sex from male to female and female to male would also eventually remove the sexual differences.


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