I wish all my blog readers/Visitors a Very Happy New Year '08 and prosperous life.
I was not writing blogs recently because I was little busy with different things like family, work and others stuff.
I was watching cricket after long time India Vs Australia, 2nd Test match held at Sydney. It was unfortunate that India lost the test match. If our players had batted for another 1 over and 1 balls we would have drawn the match with Aussies.
After the test match was over. Every news channels, commentators, BCCI, Ex Cricket Players and Indian public were complaining about the poor quality of umpiring in the test match. And some said if umpires were fair enough then India would have won the test match.
In my thoughts I would say, it is actually wrong on people to complain/criticize the decisions of the umpires. I would like to ask below questions to people who complain about the umpires in this test match.
1) Assume if the decision had gone against Australia and favored Indians, what the media, commentators and other would have said. I am sure they would shower all praises to the Indian team and never considered umpires decision.
2) Commentators, media etc are blaming the Steve Buckner for poor umpiring decision. I would like tell the same people to recollect the Hero Cup which was played in India(not sure when, probably in 1998) was won by India only because of Steve Bucker, that time people wanted him and every body rejoiced now when decisions are going against you, you blame the same guy.
3) Now coming to decisions itself, I saw all the replays of decisions which went against India, actually most of them were so close that any umpire would have made mistakes because it was like slightest nick or hairline difference between bat and pad and many more. If you are complaining for these things, then I would say you are asking extra from the umpires.
4) To be very frank, India team is not capable or used to win matches without extra assistance from umpires. Just to avoid the people’s anger, BCCI and commentators are blaming the umpiring decision. I would like to mention one important point which lot of people missed out. Australians were 136 for 6 and then Symonds got an advantage due to 3rd umpiring decision and he survived team score was some where near 160. After this Indian blowers, did not blow well at all, they did not put pressure on Australians. Aussies scored freely and made 360 for 7!!! And then 460. Why people do not question this?
Most often Indian players do not finish of things. When ever it comes to run chasing or when it comes to bowling out the tail lenders.
5) Finally I would ask people to watch the matches played in India against different teams and particularly watch the umpiring decisions given by our own Indian umpires. You will at least find 2 to 3 crucial decisions which are given in favor of India.
Now I would like to conclude , before blaming anybody first clean up your home and then talk about others, if you are not correct or perfect then you do not have any right to blame others.