I was reading few articles in news paper, about Indian retail market.Now many huge players are coming into Indian market for retailing. Reliance, Bharti and others are entering into Joint Ventures for retail market. We might soon see Wal-Mart, Carrefour, and Concord etc in India .I was thinking, why our corner shop retailer does not go for expansion? Even after being in the market for so long. I feel below points could be few reason for this. 1. No Risk taking ability. 2. He must be continuing his father's or Grand Father's shop setup by them. 3. He feels he cannot manage many things like work pressure, man power, profits & losses 4. He does not want to move out of the comfort zone. 5. Likes to grow in bits and pieces, so that he would have more control. 6. All his profit margins are based upon illegal retailing; he does not give any bills or maintains any good accounting practice. 7. His practice of business is purely based upon person to person relationship. He does...
We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.