Yesterday, I happen to learn a very interesting cultural difference between western and eastern people. One colleague of mine had done a small mistake and he hails from my country India. Our manager was really angry about the mistake. And he was really vocal in making his assertion. To this reaction, my colleague in a true Indian way started to explain why he did and it looked like he was justifying his mistake. But in reality Indians whenever they commit the mistake they try to explain why he made that mistake and what happened but my manager being from western culture was not at all interested in listening to all that crap. He was making his point that, I am saying this and you are supposed to do it. And my manger from the western culture interpreted in totally different way. He felt my colleague was trying to defend this action and going to repeat it again. So he got more aggravated and said it has to be the way and I say it. After this incident, I was thinking about Indian cu...
We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.